I turned 43 two weeks ago and it has caused for some reflection. Surprisingly, I LIKE THIS AGE! Today I'm sharing some of the things learned along the journey to this point. I invite you to share your life lessons in the comments, or tell me what you liked most!:
- Eat to Live, don't live to eat (thanks, Anita Refroe for the musical reminder)
- Desserts are an exception to #1
- Don't get attached to a house or "stuff"~ Get attached to people.
- Friends are the only thing worth keeping. Everything else is yard sale fodder.
- A new rubber spatula is a better gift than diamond earrings.
- I don't worry about what my behind looks like...I can't see it, so it doesn't bother me.
- ...but NOBODY over 24 (or 120 pounds) should EVER wear spandex in public!
- You always find things in the last place you look (because who would keep looking after you've found it?)
- In my mind, I stopped aging at 19, but my body tells me we've traveled a few miles since then
- and I may need to see if Miracle Ear can help me hear what you just said.
- I'm learning to say NO and not feel guilty.
- My kids are actually fun to hang out with...
- So are my parents!
- Laughter is the best medicine, but Tylenol P.M. runs a close second.
- I {heart} coming home to a clean house, scrubbed toilet and kitchen sink...
- That really says "I love you" to me!
- ...but a *little* clutter is a sign that "Life Happens Here" and I *can* let it go.
- There is a definite line between clutter and filth.
- Sitting on a porch swing with the one you love in silence is a great date.
- Roller coasters are still my favorite, and I'm grateful I to have a strong stomach.
- Be firm in your standards but never extreme in your opinions.
- There are more good people in the world. It's just easier to be annoyed at the dorks.
- One person can make a difference.
- Clean sheets are underrated.
- My favorite chore is to fold clean laundry!
- New cars are overrated. As my wise father says, "Cars are just a bucket of bolts."
- Having said that, you *should* vacuum out your car occasionally.
- I used to be a night owl, but have turned a 180 (as only owls can do) to find mornings are truly my favorite time of day. I am full of hope at dawn!
- Chickens make the best pets.
- Most people need to learn how to use an iron.
- Watching your children suffer the consequence of their choices is really, really hard.
- Letting them do it helps them grow.
- Mothers really do know best, but they can't tell their kids that.
- Keeping my mouth shut is a life skill/parenting technique I wish I had learned earlier.
- Cold cereal can be eaten at any meal
- ...and comes in handy when mom is reading a good book and is too engrossed to cook.
- Family dinner is important and something I need to work on.
- Together is a great place to be.
- Rubber Stamping is cheaper than therapy!
- Photos are better enjoyed in a scrapbook that in a box or on a computer.
- Listen to that still, small voice
- Forgiveness feels good.
- Mistakes Happen. The Atonement Helps.